mercoledì 24 maggio 2017

Interpretive dynamics - Hooks

Hi everyone,

I got some messages asking me to post some clear explanations about how to apply the closed vectors I have been talking about in the interpretive dynamics investigation.
Well, first off let me tell you that these concepts cannot be applied as they are; they need tools to be conveyed.

A physical manifestation of broader ideas is necessary since everything starts and ends in a physical world in this field.

E.g. We want to explore “accuracy” in movement. This need will be developed when our sense of aesthetics will tickle our minds or when a practical scenario will ask us to get better at it. You move around and you start to perceive the lack of intelligence of your feet? Or more ..You need to jump on a high rail? You better be precise, or you will break down in the process (many fail to interpret the world in this way and they do break, what can I say, natural selection is still a strong law).

Today’s technique and practical tool comes straight from the big cap of the gluing vectors. Here we want to use any part of the body that we can bend as a “hook” to grab the bars/objects and displace our body around. In the video, you can see myself grabbing the bar with different part of my bodies - in this order:

With the back of the knee
With the ankle 
With the hands 
With the hips

Here's the hooks' video:

Homework: Build up 5 new hooks and make 1 different sequences with each one, repeat each sequence 5 times, then play it reverse 5 times. Does the hooks still work? Make them reversible.

Remember the rule: If it can bend, it can grab.     
Until next time,


domenica 14 maggio 2017

Precision jumping - contextual interference

Hi movement folks,

Today I will talk about a hidden principle in skill acquisition: the contextual interference. This one is particularly close to my heart since I am the one who wants his skills available at all times exactly when needed.
It is a way to add variability and adaptability to your trainings. Instead of doing a full exercise and then moving into another, with this one you add all the scenarios you would normally throw in your training soup in a single superset.

I would say it is suitable for everyone who developed a bit of technical competence in some skills.
If you are that person with critically low quality, go back to basic standard consistency work. Please do it, we don’t want to witness weird spraying of cartilage from your patellas.

So, how does it work?
E.g. pick 5 different skills and you train 2 minutes each one while rotating them for 30 mins in total. Easy right? NO, if you find it easy, you have a problem - you choose exercises which are too easy for you. Just make sure you feel confused, under pressure and frustrated. Those are good markers for this kind of training.
The body does not need to reproduce the same pattern over and over again but it needs to produce correct solutions to constantly changing motor problems. To make this clear, Bernstein has referred to this in the past as “repetition without repetition”. Every movement looks similar to the past one, but it is not the same, the body-mind complex needs to recalculate everything through the new constraint.
Just to clarify this whole process I wrote a training you can use as an homework on jumping and accuracy.
Workout: Precision jumping - contextual interference
(to boost retention of the skill and the vision – rationale please step back and let your gut do the calculations)

Remember to minimize the time to stabilization in each landing.

A1. Precision jumping on a wall / bar
A2. Running precision (alternating legs – because you don’t want to be that other guy)
A3. Drop and hold
A4. One leg precision jump
A5. Plyometric precision jump

Go from A1-A5 x 4-8 reps each x 4-8 total sets / rest 180 sec after A5.

We will go from a minimum volume of 80 reps to a maximum volume of 320 reps.

Just to make sure you avoid injuries - stick to these prescriptions coming fresh from the mighty literature on each sessions: 30-80 reps a beginner / 80-120 reps as an intermediate / 120-300 as an advanced. (yes if you cannot sustain 80 reps I don’t think this training is super beneficial for you yet).

Contextual interference has been shown to boost the skill retention and transferability. So I remind you: if you are learning a new skill and you want to learn it quickly, this method is not probably going to be the best fit.

Until the next time,


martedì 9 maggio 2017

More balancing complexes

Hi guys,

I am posting four more balancing complexes. Use them while spending your life on the bars. Don’t focus too much on what a joint SHOULD do beforehand, let your body reorganize its structure once it reacts to the situation. Focus on the task. That’s what we are good at: solving riddles. 


A1. Transverse front spin

A2. Stand sit stand
A3. Cat balance full turn

A4. Back to front lying

Get A1-A4 as a superset x 10/8/6/6/6 each exercise alternating side. Rest after A4 as much as you need to regain your focus, drink some water, get back on the bar.


Find a new solution to the stand sit stand and to the back to front lying riddles.

Careful not to get stuck in these for too long. Use them, slightly refine them and move on.

Next week I will post a big one upon parkour plyometrics – get your tendons ready,
