lunedì 31 luglio 2017

Hanging dynamics - intermediate

Hi people,

Let’s begin. Same as before but new routine from me and Sasa. 
Don’t move into this one unless you hit max reps in the previous one. Don’t assume you can do it, try it first.
Now we are starting to experiment with different elements and combinations in hand placement and some drills to transfer dynamically from one bar to another. Still very structured, but these basics cannot be neglected. On a note. Don't forget to use a full tempo now. We don't want double swings when going into the brachiation. Go straight into it and catch up with the rhythm behind each "step".

Here we go, try it out:

Warm ups

A1. Hanging grippers x 10-15 reps x 3 sets / 60 sec rest
B1. Joints taps – 1-3 macrosets x 2 sets / 60-90 sec rest


C1. Full pronation to full pronation (easy variation) x 7-10 reps
C2. Full pronation to supination x 7-10 reps
C3. Pronation to supination x 7-10 reps

C1-C3 as a superset x 5 total sets / rest 60 sec between sets and 3-5 mins after C3 – shake and stretch as you recover. Take care of your skin


Swings – 180 turns x 3/3 reps alternating sides x 3 sets / increase the height of the swing

Lache to lache x 3/3 reps alternating sides x 3-5 sets / increase the distance of the bars

We can call it a day. 
Let me know your questions and see you soon for the advanced routine,


sabato 29 luglio 2017

Hanging dynamics - first timers

People of the world,

Here I am, back from the big workshops in Denmark and already on the road towards Paris. Glad to see that the materials are being studied, practiced and of course, criticized. Shoot at me with your best weapon, it will be my fuel.

Today we are going to get forward into a new project I am developing with my good friend Ševo Saša from Skochypsticks – Hanging Dynamics. We have been working hard for long hours of practice every day to bring this to life, and I will share three routines with the world to give an idea about what this is all about.

This concept is born from the knowledge that there is an integrity in our systems that cannot be neglected, and this integrity can be trained and challenged to reach its maximum potential.

Matter of this research was to explore and develop different elements to build a method that can bring everyone to explore these possibilities.

The upper body strength is limited by how much a person can grip, and how that quality is managed into and by our system.
Storing and utilizing elastic energy, finding a balance between tension and relaxation, distributing friction forces on different areas are some of the pieces of the puzzle that are needed to win this game.

Gripping and hanging (check out the work of my friend and big inspiration Ido) from a bar is extremely relevant when developing the basis for healthy shoulders, don’t get me wrong. But to build a real hanging capacity for wrists, elbows, shoulders, scapulae and to properly connect them to the rest of the structure, brachiations and swings are needed. A ton of them. Same as running. But guess what? If you were running 100 years ago you can bet they would have pointed at you laughing. It all about perceptions and social conditioning, let’s get rid of them to get back on track, if you want to put in some work, that’s a solid direction.

I will talk more about this as we progress in this journey. By now, get your hands ready – they will look like macacos’ butts soon.
An advice? Do not break your skin. Again: do not break your skin. If you break it in the beginning it’s over. Manage your ammos people. Opening now is like going full in a game you know you’ll lose, without even bluffing! You have been warned.

Now, game on:

Hanging dynamics – first timers

Warm ups

A1. Active hangs – 3 positions x 3-5 reps x 2 sets
B1. Swingings – 3 positions x 3-5 reps x 2 sets


In half tempo.

C1. Pronated grip brachiations x 5-7 reps
C2. Neutral grip brachiations x 5-7 reps
C3. Supinated grip brachiations (use the thumb) x 5-7 reps

C1-C3 as a superset x 5 total sets / rest 60 sec between sets and 180 after C3 – shake and stretch as you recover.


Swings - start and stop x 3-5 reps x 3 sets
Swings turns (half tempo) x 2/2 reps alternating sides x 3-5 sets


-       What happens if you are about to open in C3? YOU STOP and you come back tomorrow.
-       My skin is gone. What should I do? Deal with it! I told you to take care.

Frequency: How often is that? I would train these routines 2-3 times per week as a beginner depending on how the connective tissues will respond. Stick to this training for 4-6 weeks and master all the exercises before moving on into a harder progression.

That’s it, soon I will post the intermediate routines – get the work done, brachiate and grow,


martedì 11 luglio 2017

Motion Workshop, Vienna - July 2017.


Just back from the Motion workshop in Vienna by Ido Portal. Once again, hosted by my good friend Sharik and in the company of my fellow Mirko. The city is clean and surrounded by a dry aura of tranquillity. It did not give me the impression I was in a hurry or that I was wasting my time - feeling that I usually get in big cities. It somehow reminded me of the dreamlike situations à la Animatrix. The architecture is a mixture between the old and the new. All is kept in a solid balance by colours and lines.
Everything runs smoothly and the people are calm and open.
It’s not hard to imagine why Vienna is considered one of the cities with the highest life quality in the world.
Of course, not everybody speaks English but that’s when my spaghetti ability to deal with somatic communication comes into action.

The weekend has been filled up with both theory and practice. I must say on this one, that Ido has been brave. He created a workshop that is much more in a line with his philosophy, key message and paradigm, but it is less digestible for the public. It is still serving people’s needs but not the needs that brought them there at first.
This means that people have to catch up.

If you go there for fitness, aesthetics, functionality, or strength training purposes, you are going to have a bad day. However, if you switch glasses you can make it one of the best in your life.
It is such an interesting phenomenon to see all the many short term strategies connected by the same vector on a longer chrono-line, unfolding.
And it is happening right now.
 It is about the education of a big slice of the worldwide population, not of a couple of people in the backyard of your village.
Why do I respect all this so much? Because I have heard similar thoughts many times in my life, travelling here and there. But if no one can hear you – nothing will change.
Influencing, walking the talks, taking risks, reshaping people.
Impact factor matters, and yes, everybody’s life is important– so if you live your life like a hermit it will still be important. But making a difference is on another thing.
Creating a culture that lives after you …well, judge it yourself.

Practically, it all started looking at how to build organizational capacity of the spine through different drills. Making sure a movement terminology was there and all the phases of learning were met. If a conceptualization is not there, motor control will not follow, unless talent supports the process. A detailed awareness is made of constant small realizations.
Adding complexity into this primordial soup, allows the process to be scaled between different levels and insures continuative progress.
In this fashion, we started to look at different basic principles in the matrix through different contexts and scenarios. They stay the same throughout the tasks while the manifestation of them changes. What are the roots of movement? How to achieve and teach them? Well day by day I am getting closer to understand how to do this.
Then we moved on integrating the motions in relation with another person (movement + culture, not movement + movement) and we used this relationship to introduce limitations and task orientation in both space and time.
 We finished off the day with some floor knowledge, going through exploration of elements based on certain boundaries, all the way to improvisation via environmental constraints created by a partner. A couple of reflexions upon breathing and calming down later, the system declared the end of the first day.
On the second day, we went through spinal work once again and then we moved on into how to boost reflexes in general. I found this part brilliant. I won’t spoiler anything, but I found a way to create an emotional recalling to produce a physical effect and wrote it down in my body. Genuine material.
After more floor knowledge, we moved into the analysis of some basic codes underlying coordination. We used simple tools to build complex systems. A body, a partner, a ball. I practiced a lot with my good friend Miss Summer O’black. Great times, frustrating ones, moments of growths. Loved it. When I got back home I killed all the mosquitos like a flash, with one hand behind the back. Easy work.

I know this post is blurry. But it is meant to be so. You would not understand much by reading a text and I will not aliment this system. However, attend a Motion workshop and get back into this. You will find a summary and some questions might arise.
Next stop is the European Movement Meeting, so see you there for the ones who are following these events.

Now I am packing for Denmark to go and present the interpretive dynamics,

Gerlev, IG 2016 - bigger this year?
See you in Gerlev next week, smart ones!
